
12 Important Web Marketing Concepts

Wed, 04/27/2016 - 13:56 -- globalbroadcast...

1. Ask yourself this critical question: how many visitors actually purchase anything from you? If the number or percentage is small, you need to rethink your basic design. There are dozens of great books written on web design concepts and how the eye sweeps the typical page and how color and white space impact the viewer. Brilliant website design is not a fluke or an accident. It is based on sound design principles.


Who is Your Potential Customer?

Wed, 04/27/2016 - 13:54 -- globalbroadcast...

How would you describe your typical customer? Is he 18 to 35 year old, single male college graduate or a 30 to 50 year old business owner looking for specific products you sell? Maybe she is a woman 20 to 40 single or married. You must begin by knowing who your typical customer is and build your website to appeal to that person. Websites are not about generic “markets” but instead about specific audiences. Even if your potential customer is a crusty old man, he still wants to see an engaging website with an element of entertainment (e.g. web video) to it.


Social Media Marketing

Wed, 04/27/2016 - 13:52 -- globalbroadcast...

We create innovative social media campaigns that will skyrocket your web traffic, promote your brand and business and grow leads and sales like you never thought possible. We market your company beyond search engines, beyond radio and TV, beyond newspapers and magazines—directly to the people interested in your products and services.



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